Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Munchies and Media: Delivering Insights That Matter Through Social Med...

John Donahue is a very amazing mind in media today... Having spent hundreds of hours of time discussing media targeting, analytics, and insights, it's very apparent that something special is cooking in his mind, and shown on his blog. JD aka Godzilla, nails the concepts and summarizes the struggles and opportunities that exist in targeting consumers. Many current models are indeed flawed or at the least somewhat limited in their ability to deliver context and audience. One of the key industry problems we're solving for at BuzzLogic. Here's his latest post, and some really interesting perspective to chew on a bit. Munchies and Media: Delivering Insights That Matter Through Social Med...: "My last post ended with talking about data slices that are relevant to the consumer segment you are trying to detail through some social med..."

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